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Join the Friendship in Taiwan_VIP club!


** What is VIP club?

「VIP club」 is established by 「Friendship in Taiwan」, which is jointly organized by 「Chinese Creative Tourism Development Association」 and 「Cultural and Food Resources Planning and Research Centerin Providence University」. The purpose of 「Friendship in Taiwan」is to hope that international students studying in Taiwan can experience the beauty of Taiwan through the environment of "Taiwan Friendly Tourism". 

「Friendship in Taiwan」 will take regular trips to Taiwan for international students. The first-echelon tourist camp was successfully out of the group on 4/29. However, the second-echelon tourist camp in May came to a halt in response to the epidemic. 

Therefore, we changed to online activities and set up a 「VIP club」 specifically for international students. In the club, you can participate in lucky draws to get exquisite gifts, team up with international students from different schools and different countries to participate in competitions to get bonuses, and participate in the selection of free trips to Taiwan, and so on.If you don’t know what to do during the long and sultry summer vacation, join the VIP club and get a gift.


什麼是「VIP club」?

「VIP club」是由「中華創意旅遊發展學會」與「靜宜大學文化美食資源規劃與研究中心」聯合舉辦的「Friendship in Taiwan」所成立。「Friendship in Taiwan」的宗旨是希望來台留學的國際學生透過「台灣友善觀光」的環境深度體驗台灣之美。「Friendship in Taiwan」會定期邀請國際學生旅遊台灣。第一梯次旅遊營隊於4/29成功出團。然而,5月份的第二梯次旅遊營隊因應疫情而停擺。

因此,我們改為線上活動,並專門為國際學生設立了「VIP club」。在社團裡,可以參加抽獎獲得精美禮品,與來自不同學校、不同國家的國際學生組隊參加比賽獲得獎金,參與免費旅遊台灣的篩選活動等。如果在漫長悶熱的暑假不知道要幹什麼,就加入VIP社團拿好禮吧!


** Activities currently in progress?

Summer Trilogy;

First part: 2021「A zhao wu」(Formerly known as Wufeng District, Taichung City) Online Marketing Competition for International Students:  winning prizes with a total price of more than 100,000.

Second part: VIP club lucky draw day: Taiwan’s carefully selected souvenirs, Starbucks, Louisa and other well-known dining coupons will be drawn, as well as the biggest prize Airpods.

Third part: The 4th Tourism and Chain Management Cup Board Game Competition: Through the summer vacation community interaction and communication, expand the invitation real-world competition. The holding time is tentatively scheduled for late October depending on the epidemic situation.




首部曲: 2021國際學生阿罩霧(台中市霧峰區舊行政區劃)雲行銷競賽,總價超過10萬的獲勝獎勵。

二部曲: VIP club抽獎日,將抽出台灣嚴選伴手禮、星巴克、路易莎等知名餐飲消費券,以及最大獎 Airpods。

三部曲: 第四屆觀光連鎖盃桌遊競賽 : 藉由暑假社群互動交流,擴大邀約實境競賽,舉辦時間視疫情暫定10月下旬。


** How do I join VIP club?

 In order to confirm the identity of the applicant and provide better services, please complete the following steps:

1. Fill out the following application form. https://reurl.cc/xGNKg4

2. Search for "Friendship in Taiwan_VIP club" on Facebook or connect to the community from "Friendship in Taiwan"

3. Join the club to meet more international students!


** 我要如何加入VIP club?


1. 填寫此申請表。https://reurl.cc/xGNKg4

2. 在Facebook上搜索“Friendship in Taiwan_VIP club”或是從"Friendship in Taiwan"連接。

3. 加入社團認識並更多的國際學生!


 ** Who can join VIP club?

International Students:  

1. No age limit, non-Taiwanese who are studying in Taiwan with a student certificate.

2. Including Taiwanese new immigrants and students from China, Hong Kong and Macau.

3. International students who have returned to the country but still retain their qualifications.

4. International students who are going to study in Taiwan.


誰可以加入VIP club?







** Who are captain Branches and Kappa Bang?

「Branches」 is the partner of the restaurant chain management board game developed by the team of Professor Wu. of the Department of Tourism Business of Providence University. This time, he will be the captain and lead the international students in Taiwan to visit Taiwan in depth.

 「Kappa Bang」 is a new partner specially invited by the captain to manage the VIP club. He will assist each to solve any problems about clubs and summer activities!


誰是布蘭琪船長跟Kappa Bang?


  「Kappa Bang」是船長特地邀請來管理VIP club的新夥伴,他會協助各為解決任何有關於社團以及暑期強檔活動的任何問題!


** What is 「VIP club lucky draw day」?

On the VIP club lucky draw day, selected souvenirs of Taiwan, Starbucks, Louisa and other well-known dining vouchers will be drawn, as well as the biggest prize Airpods. Join the "VIP CLUB" to participate in the lucky draw, and friends who recommend you to join can also get the same awards.


什麼是「VIP club抽獎日」

VIP club抽獎日,將抽出台灣嚴選伴手禮、星巴克、路易莎等知名餐飲消費券,以及最大獎 Airpods,加入「VIP CLUB」就能參與抽獎,同時推薦你加入的朋友也可以獲得相同獎項。


** What is 「Online Marketing Competition」?

Form a team in the VIP club to make short videos, creative photos, or FB posts about 「A zhao wu」(Formerly known as Wufeng District, Taichung City), and and you will have the opportunity to win a total of more than 100,000 rewards.

more information:https://skyline.tw/activity/activity-cne4n5j4vxcqcth89agnpmcfl0qv868



在VIP club裡組隊,製作有關於阿罩霧(台中市霧峰區舊行政區劃)的短影片、創意照片或是吸睛FB發文等,就有機會獲得總價超過10萬的獎勵。



** 社群定位:

  1. Friendship in Taiwan: 

    組織國際學生遊台灣,體驗台灣最在地的文化風景  (以免費報名為主)


  1. VIP club: 參與免費旅遊的名額,由社團內之國際學生篩選出來



Friendship in Taiwan:  https://www.facebook.com/FriendshipInTaiwan

VIP club: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitvipclub

布蘭琪小館:  https://www.facebook.com/BoardGameBranches



