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【競賽活動】 2022 英國女王聯邦作文比賽



慶祝英國女皇在職 70 年,皇家聯邦舉辦一年一度全球國高中生寫作競賽。以女皇思考角度寫出能帶給國家的正面影響,皇家聯邦期望透過寫作促進青少年參與國際事務的模擬!本次競賽也是免費參與並將會提供給各類冠亞軍作家一週倫敦公費之旅喔!



  • 全球擅於寫作的國高中生

  • 對於英國遊學有興趣的青年

  • 想參與國際公眾議題的青少年


  • 本次活動截止日為 6 月 30 日

  • 本次申請條件:

    • 本次徵稿分為高年級學生類別與中年級學生類別

    • 高年級:出生日 2003 年 7 月 1 日- 2008 年 6 月 30 日前(14-18 歲)

    • 中年級:出生日 2008 年 7 月 1 日後(14歲以下)

  • 以下為本次競賽注意事項:

    • 高年級題目選項:

      • Imagine you are a Head of Government delivering a speech to your counterparts at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Rwanda. Write a speech that highlights what you believe should be a priority for collective action within the Commonwealth. 若今天您是政府的領導者在盧安達的大英國協政府首腦會議,闡述給皇家聯邦的工作人員,以皇家聯邦為優先考量,您會如何設計您當天的演講內容?

      • Committed to the Commonwealth 對於皇家聯邦的堅信

      • Her Majesty The Queen was born in the twentieth century, a period that saw enormous social change driven by visionary and committed leaders. Reflect on an inspirational leader from this period. 英國女皇出生於發生巨大社會改變的 20 世紀,請回顧一名 20 世紀社會改革先驅。

      • “Whilst experiences of the last year have been different across the Commonwealth, stirring examples of courage, commitment and selfless dedication to duty have been demonstrated in every Commonwealth nation and territory, notably by those working on the frontline who have been delivering healthcare and other public services in their communities.” – Her Majesty The Queen, Commonwealth Day Message 2021.  Imagine you are working on the frontline. Write about your experience, explaining why you serve your community and why your service matters. 

    • 中年級題目選項:

      • Imagine you are a grandparent in 2022. Tell your grandchildren a bedtime story about an inspirational person 若您在 2022 年有著孫子與孫女,您會如何與你的子孫透過床邊故事敘說一個傳奇人物?

      • What are the best ways for young people to serve the Commonwealth in your view? 請分享如何讓青年加入皇家聯邦的行列

      • Our Commonwealth community. 皇家聯邦的社區型態

      • Write a job description for a superhero needed to solve a problem in your community. 請敘述一個超人需要解決社區問題的工作事項清單


