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GLO Leadership Training Summit Summer 2019 at AAIA


GLO's Mission 全球領袖組織的願景

Founded in 2012 at UC Berkeley, Global Leadership Organization is an international nonprofit dedicated to developing Social Transformative Leaders, individuals who take action on social issues they genuinely care about.

We believe that the world improves faster when leaders with the right skills and attitude assemble teams to tackle today's most pressing issues.



What is the GLO Leadership Training Summit? 什麼是 GLO 領袖高峰會?

GLO brings together those with a proven track record of service and leadership. We develop leaders at our two-day Leadership Training Summit, training working professionals and students through hands-on, interactive small group workshops on four key skills:

1) Project Management

2) Meeting Management

3) People Management

4) Communication & Public Speaking

GLO 每年聚集在業界與校園具有社會服務與領導經歷的人才參與領袖高峰會,也邀請來自世界知名企業與名校的講師進行教學。因此,您能與具備熱情與能力的同儕一同學習,並與社會上的領導者進行交流。兩天的領袖高峰會能讓您的領導更有效率,使您在工作與校園中達成目標。



Why Attend? 為什麼要參加?

1) Stand out with skills not taught by anyone else and at school. 學習在一般課堂上學不到的技能,在同儕中脫穎而出,順利取得機會以成為領導人。

2) Develop practical leadership skills that can you can apply right away in student clubs, nonprofits, and in the workplace. 訓練能在校內社團、非營利組織、及職場使用的實用領導技能。

3) Exchange ideas and knowledge with counselors from top firms like Google and Uber and student leaders from UC Berkeley, UPenn, and many more. 與業界專業人士(任職於 Google, Uber等等)及學生領袖(來自於加州大學柏克萊分校、賓州大學等等)進行交流,拓展人際關係。



Application 如何報名

In addition to registering on Eventbrite, all applicants must complete this application form to be considered for the summit.

Applications are accepted until 11:59 PM (GMT + 8:00) on June 8th, 2019.Early-bird applications are accepted until 11:59 PM (GMT + 8:00) on May 25th, 2019.

Please note that before you purchase the tickets AND complete the application form, you will not be considered for admission of the summit.

As there are limited spaces for the summit, we will evaluate all candidates based on their applications. We will notify applicants of their results within 2 weeks after the 6/8 application deadline.

除了報名付款,請確定您已經完成填寫此報名表單。報名時間於台灣時間 06/08 晚上 11:59 截止。早鳥報名時間於台灣時間 05/25 晚上 11:59 截止


因為名額有限,我們會針對報名者進行篩選,報名後請耐心等待,我們會在 06/08 截止日後的兩週內寄發錄取通知。未被錄取者,我們會再退費給您。


Payment/Refund Policy 付款與退費說明

1) Upon registration, all registrants must pay for the tickets first. However, registrants will not be considered attendees until their applications are received and accepted. 所有報名者皆需先行繳費。報名者在本單位收到報名費後才會開始進行篩選。

2) Registrants may request a refund one month before the Summit. Refund requests after June 6th would be provided only on a case by case basis. 報名者得於高峰會開始前一個月前要求退款。於六月六號後提出的退款要求將會以個別形式受理。

3) If your application is not accepted, you will receive a full refund. 若您未被錄取,我們將會全額退款給您。


