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【2022 OUT Scholarship】

建築大師安藤忠雄當拳擊手時,在旅遊中燃起了對建築的熱情。OUT Scholarship 以此為發想,自 2015 年起,每年提供每位學生最高新台幣 10 萬元旅遊獎學金,給台灣建築、室內設計、都市計畫、土木工程、景觀設計、服裝設計大學生與碩士生。OUT Scholarship 深信出國旅行對一個人的幫助,不單單只是開闊眼界,甚至可以改變一個人的人生。

一同參與 OUT Scholarship 的台灣學生如同我們伸出去的雙手,出國旅遊能夠開拓視野、拓展信息。當台灣學生出國後遇到許多發生在陌生環境的陌生的問題時,需要去思考如何面對與解決,這會激發學生們無限的想法、提升思考邏輯,OUT Scholarship 欲讓台灣大學生跳脫安於現狀、接受既定的結果卻不嘗試改變的被動心態。


OUT Scholarship welcomes applicants from overseas students who would try to get a max total of 3,000 EUR/3,300 USD in scholarship sponsored by Taiwan noted design companies: JC Architecture, Dumas Design, Envision Engineering Consultants, Shinde Development Construction, Ally Logistic Property, J & NINA, Yangger Artists, and AXILE Machine.

Students could choose a minimum of 2, and a maximum of 3 sponsor firms they want to work with and provide an interesting internship topic proposal, showing their personality, passion, and wide vision of design and the world. Candidates will be judged by the sponsor firms and representatives from Taiwan noted design professionals. 

Following the proposal, candidates are requested to research the firm’s background in which they choose to intern. Also will present a synthesis of their insights, the reason why they want to come to Taiwan, what they want to be inspired from, what specific topic do they want to discuss during the internship, and what they want to contribute to their society, indicating how many scholarships they want to request (Max in 3,000 EUR/3,300 USD)


|General Regulation|
2022 OUT Scholarship_台灣學生報名簡章 https://lihi1.cc/QZ9Sq
2022 OUT Scholarship_International Student https://lihi1.cc/0Z8JY

 |Application form|
2022 OUT Scholarship_台灣學生報名表單 https://forms.gle/xsxSiTS7dapek5gP8
2022 OUT Scholarship_International Student https://forms.gle/DSrw2PdiV5aM7kc48

|For more information| 


|Previous students’ stories|

|Sponsor companies|
柏成設計 JC Architecture, 大塊設計Dumas Design, 築遠工程顧問 Envision Engineering Consultants, 信德開發建設 Shinde Development Construction, 永聯物流開發 Ally Logistic Property, 楊格室內建築設計公司 Yangger Artists, 捷恩尼納 J&NINA, 達佛羅 AXILE Machine


