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2020 青年趨勢論壇


About the webinar:


  • Held by the Youth Development Administration, which belongs to the Taiwan Ministry of Education. 

  • Learning from Taiwan’s successful experience in addressing the spread of COVID-19. Topics cover the development of the pandemic, information platform and digital technology. 

  • Along with young leaders of the international youth organization, discussing how global youth can contribute and collaborate to make changes in the world in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. 


Host and Panelists:

  • Host- Anny Chang, founder of International City Wanderer Education Association 

  • Panelists- Safoora Biglari, Lord Leomer Pomperada, Jovana Majstorovic, Chiayo Kuo


No fees required



Open to all 


Registration Information:

  • Instructions for the registration can be found on the official website

  • After registering, you will receive a link for the event. 

  • Participants will need to download the app, CISCO Webex Meetings. 


Please visit the official website for detailed information.


