尤奴斯社會企業國際暑期營 International Social Business Summer Program 2018 (ISBSP 2018)
活動簡介 Program Introduction
位於孟加拉國首都達卡的Daffodil International University(DIU)與尤奴斯社會企業中心總部(Yunus Social Business Centre)一同合作舉辦暑期營,希望推廣國際青少年對於社會企業(Social Business and Social Entrepreneurship),小額貸款和國際發展的知識與資源,也同時讓青少年們了解諾貝爾獎獲得者穆罕默德尤努斯教授的社會商業模式。希望賦予青年人對於未來社會經濟永續發展的責任心,堅持一個 “Mission Super Happiness” 的座右銘,於2018年7月1日至10日舉辦 ISBSP 2018尤奴斯社會企業國際暑期營。
Background Introduction of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business 『社會創業』與『社會企業』背景介紹
Social entrepreneurship has been discussed for years to develop and encourage people from diverse communities to come up with new social venture. The idea has been originated from the Social Business concept of Nobel Laureate economist professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus and has become one of the eye-catching concept in world stage. Entrepreneurs are considered national assets to be cultivated, motivated, and remunerated to the greatest possible extent, and social entrepreneurship, an outcome of Social Business, is going to lead the world towards positive change. It is imperative that the 21st century needs a boost for the potential social entrepreneurs with right business skills, appropriate training and tools, and proper vision to successfully create and grow their businesses.
A:『社會創業』希望發展和鼓勵來自不同社區的人們提出對於社會有貢獻的商業創新。 這個想法源於諾貝爾獎獲得者經濟學家穆罕默德尤努斯博士的『社會企業』概念,並已成為國際間引人注目的概念之一。創業家,是一個國家在未來最有可能積極培育成為下一代領導者的典範。社會創業家們(Social Entrepreneur) 更是最有潛力引領及推動世界的各種積極變革。在21世紀裡,我們非常迫切地需要培訓潛在社會企業家並且給予他們最適當的工具來成功創業,發展企業的社會關懷。
Learning Outcome 學習成果
- Networking with leaders of Social Business, Microcredit, and Development Studies 認識社會企業等領域的領導者,並且建立自己的專業network及增廣國際交友圈
- Hands on experience of industrial exposure 參訪當地企業
- Knowledge of next generation business with leadership skills 培育具有領導技能的學生們成為未來的企業家
- Discovering the language, culture and heritage of Bangladesh 認識南亞的孟加拉國與當地語言,文化和遺產
- Building cross-cultural global platform 打造跨文化的全球學習平台
Key Features 主要活動
Meet Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, lectures, visit the Yunus Centre and Nobel Prize winning Grameen Bank, meet local social entrepreneurs and activists, design lab, explore Bangladesh, industrial visits, excursions, tourism activities.
親自與諾貝爾獎獲得者經濟學家穆罕默德尤努斯博士見面,大師講座,參觀尤努斯中心和獲得諾貝爾獎的Grameen Bank,認識社會企業家,創新設計課程,探索孟加拉國,企業參訪,旅遊活動。
Courses 課程內容
Basics of Social Business
Microcredit for Financial Inclusion
Social Business in Development Studies
* 以下附圖都有更詳細的介紹 Attached photos have detailed information on the courses.
官網上都有更詳細的資訊!歡迎前往參考,也可以看到去年活動的精彩照片。There are more information online as well as photos from ISBSP 2017!
#社會企業 #社會創新
影片介紹 Promo Video