企業家楊安澤(Andrew Yang)是父母皆為台灣人的美國移民二代,創辦了非營利機構「為美國創業」(Venture for America),培訓優秀青年並送至美國各地新創公司,促進就業與培養下一代創業家,更受美國前總統歐巴馬欽點為全球企業家大使!楊安澤曾宣布參選2020美國總統大選,參選過程中提出許多令人印象深刻的政見,讓美國人知道亞裔不再是啞裔,也是美國重要的一份子。這次,我們邀請他一同討論對未來的看法。
- 活動名稱:《New Economy, New Politics, New Society.》楊安澤談科技進步、社會變革及美國大選
- 活動時間:10/29(四) 19:30-21:30
- 活動地點:台大集思會議中心-國際會議廳
- 活動形式:主講人現場連線,與現場嘉賓一同進行。全程英文。
- 主辦單位:陽明山未來學社
- 合作單位:台北市哥倫比亞大學同學會、史丹福大學在台校友會、亞太青銀共創協會、Knowing、幣特財經
- 協辦單位:風傳媒
- 注意事項:因學社為非營利組織,故無法開發票僅能開收據,若您有需要再請您來信與我們聯繫:[email protected],謝謝!
時間 | 流程 | 參與者 |
19:00-19:30 | 報到進場 | |
19:30-19:35 | 開場致詞 | 葉匡時教授 陽明山未來學社 理事長 |
19:35-20:30 | 座談會 |
許毓仁 陽明山未來學社 副理事長 李豪(Leo Seewald) 台北市美國商會 會長 連勝文 國家政策研究基金會 副董事長 陳士駿 YouTube共同創辦人 林夏如 華府智庫布魯金斯學會非常駐資深研究員 吳岳謙 金沙江數字基金 副總裁 |
20:30-20:35 | 嘉賓介紹 | 梁捷揚 陽明山未來學社 監事 |
20:35-21:00 |
主旨演講 (現場連線) |
楊安澤(Andrew Yang) Venture for America (VFA) 創辦人、 2020年美國總統選舉民主黨初選候選人 |
21:00-21:30 | 會後座談 | 全體嘉賓 |
贊助Humanity Forward活動(僅限美國公民或綠卡持有者)
- $20 以上 – VIP席次*1
- $200 以上 – VIP雞尾酒會 (18:00)
- $1000 以上 – 楊安澤本人特別感謝
The N3 Forum is a new brand of event initiated by the Taiwan Future Society organization. Events will be held from time to time to discuss future trends and views of mankind, and to explore the future possibilities of Taiwan along with public insights.
In face of the rapid technological development and industrial changes, the existing capitalism needs reform. Can “humanitarian capitalism” become its next step and create more valuable and dignified job opportunities for the ordinary people? Can “freedom” further benefit the development of automation to substantially improve the quality of society as a whole?
Andrew Yang, an American entrepreneur, philanthropist and former presidential candidate, is also the second generation of American immigrants whose parents are from Taiwan. He founded the non-profit organization “Venture for America” to incubate outstanding young talents and send them to start-up companies across the United States to promote the next generation of entrepreneurs. Andrew Yang was selected by former president Obama as the global entrepreneur ambassador and later announced his candidacy for the 2020 US presidential election. During the election process, he made many impressive political opinions, and greatly raised awareness for Asian Americans. This time, we invited him to discuss his views about the future of global economy, politics and society.
- Event Name:Andrew Yang on Technological Progress, Social Transformation and the US Election
- Date:10/29(四) 19:30-21:30
- Location:the forum GIS CONVENTION CENTER
- Format:Zoom and live panel
- Organizer:Taiwan Future Society
- Co-Organizers: Pan Asian Innovation Association for Young Entrepreneurs and Retirees, Columbia Alumni Association of Taipei, Stanford Club of Taiwan
- Media Partners:Storm Media Group
Time | Program | Speakers |
19:00-19:30 |
open for admission |
19:30-19:35 | Opening |
Dr. Kuang Yeh, Chairman of Taiwan Future Study Society and Ex-Minister of Transportation & Telecommunication |
19:35-20:30 | Panel |
20:30-20:35 | Speaker introduction | Jay Liang: Supervisor of Taiwan Future Study Society |
20:35-21:00 |
Keynote Speech (Zoom) |
Andrew Yang Founder of Venture for America (VFA) , 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Democratic Primary Candidate |
21:00-21:30 | Panel with Andrew with Q & As | All speakers |
【To support Andrew Yang’s cause:】
Donate to Humanity Forward event (limited to American citizens or green card holders only)https://pse.is/x6xgb
- $20 above – free ticket donation
- $200 above – Reception invitation (18:00)
- $1000 above – Acknowledgement and special introduction by Andrew Yang during the event