為深化東協及南亞國家的實質教育交流及人才培育之方向,增強台灣與菲律賓在商務、政經與社會文化、與學術研究能量的相互交流,進一步強化台灣和菲律賓的合作關係,從經濟活動以及相關的社會文化出發,進行相關的基礎調查研究,以促進台灣及東南亞的相互理解。菲律賓經貿產學資源中心(RCEIAC)與國立中山大學東南亞研究中心、菲律賓國立大學碧瑤分校(University of the Philippines Baguio)、菲律賓Kape ti Uma (KTU)及由日本資助的Cordillera Green Network (CGN)等兩家咖啡社企攜手合作,為國內對咖啡相關產業保持高度熱誠的年輕學子,提供暑期赴菲見習機會,深入探索菲律賓北部主要咖啡產地-柯迪勒(Cordillera) 區域咖啡產業發展實況。期望台菲年輕世代能透過「咖啡」互相串聯,形成互動,讓雙方在未來的交流上,能紮下堅實的基礎。
In order to enhance educational exchange, implement talent cultivation strategies in the ASEAN region and South Asia, and to promote the collaboration with local research institutes and universities in the Philippines, the Resource Center of Economics, Industry and Academy Cooperation (RCEIAC) in this summer will work with Center for Southeast Asian Studies, NSYSU, University of the Philippines Baguio, the Kape Ti Uma (KTU) and Cordillera Green Network (CGN) social enterprises, which have shown the best practices for raising the international profile of coffee industry in Cordillera area of Northern Philippines. The internship program is a unique opportunity for the younger generations of Taiwan to learn about the realities of the specialty coffee industry. We look forward to your enthusiasm to localize Taiwan-Philippines economic collaboration, people-to-people exchanges, resource sharing and regional links.
*見習時間(Time for Internship Program ):2018.07.18-2018.08.01(共15天)
*申請資格(Requirement for Application)
- 就讀於我國各大專院校之正式學位生(Full-time & Degree Seeking Student Only)
- 對咖啡產業有高度熱情或已有相關經驗者(Experienced or Willing to Devote to Coffee Industry)
- 具備英語聽說讀寫能力,本計畫全程使用英語進行(All Courses are Running in English)
- 具備Office相關軟體操作能力者(MS Office Skills are Required)
*見習內容(Content of Internship Program)
- 菲律賓北部柯迪勒地區產業基礎知識(Orientation for Local Industry in the Cordillera Area)
- 高山有機咖啡種植(Highland Organic Coffee Farming)
- 咖啡基礎知識及加工(Basic Coffee Knowledge and Processing)
- 咖啡製作及品嚐(Coffee Making and Testing)
- 咖啡市場及社企經營操作(Coffee Business and Social Enterprise Operation)
*見習費用(Expense of Internship Program)